Sustainable 海洋プロジェクト

Clean Ocean Project by Students in Sabah and Akita (COPSA)
Sustainable Ocean Project in Sabah, Malaysia:
The Initiative of Secondary School Students to Protect the Future of Oceans

あきた地球環境会議は、マレーシア サバ州にて様々な環境活動を行ってきました。

マレーシア サバ州の高校生を対象に、秋田で展開しているプラスチックごみ現況把握調査やそれに伴う環境教育をベースとし、地域文脈に則った環境保全と循環型社会形成、SDGs 達成のリテラシー向上を得た上で、加速度的な意識・行動変容の促進を目指す。更には、具体的かつ実践的なアプローチを用いた持続可能な海洋プラスチックごみ対策の定着を図る。また、マレーシア政府の意向や動向を反映した形の環境教育を通しては、マレーシアと日本でのグローバル環境リーダーが育成され、本事業がベストプラクティスとして波及することを目指す。









活動3:Project 継続体制の構築


マレーシア 渡航

Activities were conducted in and around Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Waste Composition Survey_3 locations /ごみ組成調査_3箇所

<Findings at KK WETLAND CENTER>(Left: number, Right: weight/左:個数、右:重量
<Findings at Kg.DARAU >(Left: number, Right: weight/左:個数、右:重量
<Findings at Kg. KOBUNI>(Left: number, Right: weight/左:個数、右:重量

▶From the survey results /調査結果から
Many of the items were familiar and daily necessities, including plastic bottles and food trays. In the upstream areas, metal trash that appeared to have been illegally dumped was also collected, giving the impression that, unlike in Japan, there were few agricultural goods. Many of the trash entangled in the aerial roots of the mangroves were heavily degraded, highlighting the depth of the problem.


Environmental education hearing survey for high schools and City /高等学校及び市等への環境教育ヒアリング調査

<1: SM St.Michael>

Basic information from the school

  • All students:904 children ,Teachers :65
  • We have 20 classes, but we use the hall and corridors because they are saturated.
    ⇒We would like to have 30 classes.
  • We have classes for grades 3-5 in the morning and grades 1-2 in the afternoon.
  • Number of students: 26 students in science course (46 students in general)
  • 6 classes per grade, social and scientific options in 3 years


  • 全校生徒:904⼈ 教師⼈数:65⼈
  • 20クラスあるが飽和状態なのでホール、廊下も使っている。
  • 午前中に3~5年の授業を実施し、午後から1~2年生の授業を実施している
  • クラス⼈数:理系26⼈(通常46⼈)
  • 1学年6クラス 3年で⽂理選択

■Results of Interviews with Students

  • The use of plastic should be stopped
  •  ⇒ Because it does not decompose and environmental problems are becoming more serious.
  • We should have a sense of responsibility.
  • We should be responsible.
  • We can reduce plastic waste by bringing our own water bottles instead of using plastic bottles.
  • We want to think about how we spend our time after school.


  • プラスチックの使⽤をやめるべき
  •  ⇒分解されず環境問題が深刻化しているから
  • 責任感を持つべき
  • 海の資源がなくなる可能性があり、これは観光にも影響する
  • ペットボトルを使わないで⽔筒を持参することでプラスチックごみを削減できるのではないか
  • 私達は放課後の過ごし⽅について考えたい

■Results of Interviews with Teachers

  • Teachers focus on water resources (e.g. air conditioning drainage)
  • They are aware of the need for more field trips.
  • Organize committees to maintain the garden, pick up fallen leaves, plant trees, etc.


  • ⽔資源に関する教育に⼒を入れている(エアコン排⽔など)
  • 校外学習を多くするように意識している
  • 委員会を組織して⇒庭の管理、落葉拾い、植物を植えている

<2: SM Datuk Peter>

Basic information from the school

  • All students :1,428 :63 students in special classes
  • Laptop computers for each student (windows)
  • Environmental education is included in science and students learn how to protect the environment.
  • Microplastic pollution and recycling are also taught.
  • Recycling bins...not by rules but by autonomy. Not by rule but by initiative.
    The collected items are collected by vendors.
  • We have a rule "No littering!


  • 全校生徒:1428⼈ 特別学級へ通う生徒数:63⼈
  • ノートパソコンが⼀⼈⼀台(windows)
  • 理科の中に環境教育が含まれており、「どう環境を守っていくか」を学習している
  • 「マイクロプラスチックの汚染やリサイクルについて」も学習している
  • リサイクルボックス…ルールではなく⾃主性による。集めたものは業者が回収している
  • 「ゴミをポイ捨てしない」というルールがある

■Results of Interviews with Students

  • The environment outside the school area is not good.
  • I think the general public is not very aware (but the students are very strong inside the school).
  • There are clean-up activities in the school and at religious gatherings.
  • The level of awareness of the Kota Kinabalu City Hall's initiative (to stop the free distribution of plastic bags on Saturdays and Sundays) was 27% (4 out of 15 respondents knew about it).
  • The level of awareness was low, but there were comments that it was a good idea.


  • 学校の地域外の環境は良くない
  • ⼀般の⼈は意識が低いと思う(ただし、学校内(⽣徒)は⼤丈夫)
  • 学校内、宗教の集まりでクリーンアップ活動がある
  • コタキナバル市役所の取り組み(土曜日と日曜日のレジ袋の無料配布中止の件)の認知度合は27%(15人中4人は知っていた)。
  • 認知度は低かったが、良いアイデアだという意見があった

■Results of Interviews with Teachers

  • There is a school culture where many students are proactive and ask questions on their own initiative.
  • The students were able to think about the fundamental differences between Japan and Malaysia in an easy-to-understand way.
  • In each class, students were able to present their research on the environment in an easy-to-understand manner.
  • The students learn about marine litter as a target and present and share the results of their research.


  • 積極的な生徒が多く⾃分から進んで質問してくる学校風土がある。
  • ⽇本とマレーシアの間で根本的に違う部分を、わかりやすく考えることができた。
  • 各クラスでは環境について調べたことをわかりやすく伝えることができる。
  • 海洋ごみをターゲットに学習して研究成果を発表し共有している。

<3: SM St.Francis Convent>

Basic information from the school

  • The oldest school in Kota Kinabalu with the motto "Green Clean Recycle".
  • All students 771 students Teachers 49
  • PCs are available for students to use in the PC room.
  • There is an Environmental Day and "one plant per person donation to the school".
  • We learned about garbage collection traps in geography class.
  • The following environmental initiatives were introduced: planning and implementation, setting rules, participating in conservation activities, and educational activities.
  • The school has been participating in the Selassie Awards (an environmental contest held throughout Sabah) for the past 20 years. The number of gardens has increased, and some positive effects have been seen.


  • コタキナバル市で最古の学校であり、モットーは「Green Clean Recycle」
  • 全校⽣徒:771⼈ 教師⼈数:49⼈
  • パソコン:PC室で⼀⼈⼀台使える環境にある。
  • 環境Dayが設けられていて「⼀⼈一つ学校に植物寄付する」ことなどが行われている。
  • 地理の授業でゴミ回収トラップについて学習した。
  • 実施している環境に関する取り組みとして「計画づくりと実践」「ルールを設ける」「保全活動に参加する」「啓発活動」などが紹介された。
  • セラシ賞(サバ州全体で⾏っている環境コンテスト)へ20年前から出場している。庭園の増加など、一定の効果がみられる。

■Results of Interviews with Students

  • We are active at home and on a personal level.
  • We have fun at school with mini-gardens and beach cleanups at clubs.
  • It's sad to see citizens littering.
  • I think the area around the water village is dirty, even in the city.


  • 私達は、家や個⼈でも活動している。
  • 学校では、ミニガーデンやクラブでのビーチ清掃を楽しんで活動している。
  • 市民のポイ捨ては悲しい。
  • 街中でも⽔上集落付近は汚いと思う。

■Results of Interviews with Teachers

  • We are educating people to "Love nature" and "Passing on to the next generation".
  • We are also working to reduce the amount of waste we generate.
  • Activities are carried out at the home and school level.
  • Teachers think it is important to sustain education and start with what they can do.


  • 「Love nature」「次世代へ繋げる」を⼤切に教育している。
  • エコバッグ、ストローをもらわないこと等、するべきことは小さいことから始める。
  • 家、学校単位で活動を行う。
  • 先生たちは、教育を持続していくこと、できることから始めていくことが重要と考えている。

■Impressions from Japanese High School Students

  • All the students were nervous, but when they finally met the students, they immediately became friendly and exchanged valuable opinions, partly because of their close age.
  • We had an upbeat and positive image of Malaysian schools.
  • We were impressed by the enthusiasm of the students and learned a lot from them.
  • The Malaysian students' research on marine litter was very interesting and we would like to work with them.
  • The Japanese high school students felt the freedom of each school's culture and learned how to participate in environmental conservation activities.
  • The Japanese high school students were very impressed with the content of the Malaysian high school research, which was unique to Malaysia.


  • 全員が緊張していたが、いざ⽣徒と対⾯すると年齢が近いということもあり、すぐに打ちとけ、貴重な意⾒交換をすることができた。
  • マレーシアの学校に対する明るい前向きなイメージを持った。
  • 生徒たちは皆熱心に活動している印象を得て勉強になった。
  • マレーシアの生徒の海洋ごみに関する研究は大変興味深く、一緒に活動したいと考えた。
  • ⾃由度の高い校⾵を感じ、環境保全活動にも参加している様子を学んだ。
  • 研究内容はマレーシアならではの内容が多く、とても印象に残った。

The results of the research by the Akita Chuo High School students who travelled to Japan were reported at the Science Research Presentation Meeting attended by senior high schools (completed in January) and at the Research Presentation Meeting for all students held in February 2024. The high school students are now developing an educational programme for a marine litter project to be demonstrated in Sabah in the next year.


<4: DBKK>

■City Hall policies

  1. Traps to collect litter in specific parts of the river.
    Currently 7 locations have been set up and over 1 t of litter has been collected.
  2. Use of suburban communities
    Communities that meet certain conditions (villages on the river, where there has been no waste collection system) are being used as pilot sites for the installation of incinerators and composters.
  3. Ask them to sort their waste into recyclable and non-recyclable categories and these are collected by contractors.
    Previously, they were collected at shopping malls, but there were problems such as bad odour and rodent infestation.
  4. Plastic bag reduction:
    A project that started on 1 September 2023 and will run until 2024. Free plastic bags will be stopped on Saturdays and Sundays. The project is meant to raise awareness among the public. The project is meant to raise awareness among the public. Supermarkets are currently involved in the project.
  5. Sustainability centres.
    Trade-ins and repairs are carried out. Shoes, clothes, appliances and books are collected and sold at a discount (promotion of reuse).
  6. Awareness-raising activities :
    More than 10 projects a year. Educational awareness raising (photo below: courtesy of Kota Kinabalu City Hall), banner installation, Eco-bags, flea markets (free of charge), recycling events at schools, awareness-raising activities at exhibitions, etc.


  1. 川の特定の部分にゴミを集めるトラップを設置:現在7か所に設置し、1トン以上のゴミを回収している。
  2. 郊外のコミュニティの活用:一定の条件を満たしたコミュニティ(川に面した村、これまでゴミ回収システムがない)を試験地として焼却場やコンポスターを設置している。
  3. リサイクル可、不可に分別してもらい、それらを業者が回収:以前はショッピングモールなどで回収していたが、悪臭やネズミの発生等の問題があった。
  4. ビニール袋減らす:2023年9⽉1⽇からスタートした2024年までのプロジェクト。土曜日と日曜日にレジ袋の無料配布を中止する取り組み。市⺠への啓発の意味合いが強い。現在は、スーパーなどが活動に参加。
  5. 持続可能センター:下取り、修理を行っている。靴、⾐服、家電、本を回収して、安く販売(reuseの促進)。
  6. 啓発活動:1年で10以上のプロジェクトを⾏っている。教育啓発(下写真:コタキナバル市役所提供の写真)、バナーの設置、エコバッグ、フリマ(無料)のほか、学校でのリサイクル⼤会、展⽰会での啓発活動など。
Question. Answer.
Do citizens separate their garbage?
Yes, on a trial basis in some areas.
Do they not build a final disposal site?
Approval has not been granted. They are planning to wait for 5 more years because of the expansion of the Kayumadan Landfill.
Do you want to build an incineration plant for garbage?
Peninsular Malaysia is planning to do so with Japanese assistance.
Are the people of the city working on environmental issues?
They do not have a landfill, so they are organizing a clean-up day.
About the cost of the incineration plant to be built on Gaya Island?
A large corporation is sponsoring the project, and the other is using local residents' tax.

■Future action plan.

  • Install traps in the river.
  • More activities in the suburbs (building an incineration plant on Gaya Island).
  • Collect marine litter in cooperation with Japan (JICA project: plastic litter floating on the sea is collected by collection boats).
  • Collecting rubbish from multi-storey houses.
  • Waste oil treatment systems in each household (but with some cost issues).


  • トラップを川に設置する。
  • もっと郊外での活動を行う(ガヤ島に焼却場を作る)
  • ⽇本と協⼒して海洋ゴミの回収(JICAプロジェクト:海上に浮遊するプラごみを回収船により回収)
  • ⾼層住宅からのゴミ回収
  • 廃油処理システムを各家庭に(ただし、コスト面で課題あり)

■From the hearing
It was found that currently only a few places and areas are actively working on waste management (the scale of activities is limited). City halls need to cooperate in order to make their waste policies work. It was also found that awareness of garbage among citizens is not widespread throughout the city, so it is important to raise awareness. We need to use the knowledge gained from this project and students' voices to create educational materials in order for CEEA to contribute to changing the mindset of people in Sabah.


<5: Kayu Madang landfill >

■Impressions of students after their visit to a final waste disposal site.
The first thing we saw for ourselves was a huge pile of rubbish. We knew that rubbish was being dumped in landfills, but we were surprised to find that there was a much larger quantity than we had imagined. We also felt a strong smell peculiar to rubbish, which we believe is caused by the fact that all the rubbish is collected in the same place. I felt more and more that it was necessary to take measures to reduce the waste itself, rather than landfilling it, as it could have a negative impact on the surrounding nature and animals. On the other hand, we also learnt that they have established a method for treating the waste water that seeps out of the rubbish and that they are doing everything they can to consolidate the rubbish in the same system. However, there are concerns about possible problems in the future, such as the usable life of the underground water shielding sheets.


Question. Answer.
How is collected waste disposed of?
Weighing → Stacking → Flattening → Lamination
How is the water contained in the waste treated?
Leachate from the refuse is collected in one place by underground sheets and filtered.
Is the capacity of this site large enough?
A separate area is reserved in case the allowable amount is exceeded.
What are the most common types of waste in the collected waste?
Plastics and metals, in that order, are collected and recycled by workers called waist pickers. Copper is the most expensive type of waste collected, but plastic is the most cost-effective.
Does anyone live in this disposal site ︖ Is it open 24 hours a day?
They were there before the Corona epidemic. Rest areas remain.
Is it open 24 hours a day?
How much waste is collected each day?
800 t/day, 240-50 trucks a day bring in waste.
What is the working situation here?
Working hours are 8 hours (manager?). Yes. Around 100 employees.

■From interviews and project experience CEEA has previously developed a 'Guideline on Household Waste Segregation and Collection in Kota Kinabalu' with DBKK as a counterpart. Within the project, it was concluded that continuous 'waste reduction' and 'environmentally conscious' awareness building among children is extremely important. The project aims to reduce marine litter by developing effective awareness-raising and environmental education on marine litter, making use of past experience in this area.


Working team/committee meeting on the issue of marine plastic waste in Sabah.






サバ州政府 秋田市市長表敬
Sabah, Malaysia Officials Visit to Akita City Hall

  • ( 秋田魁新報社 )

Akita Eco Plash


Akita Chuo High School (Presentationabout the school from students)


Courtesy visit with Director ofEnvironment


Marine waste exhibits at OgaAquarium

一般社団法人 あきた地球環境会議
〒010-0912 秋田市保戸野通町7-33 2F

Copyright c CEEA 一般社団法人 あきた地球環境会議. All Rights Reserved.